Monday, November 2, 2009

Bloggy Update - I'm okay!

A very sweet reader recently wrote in and asked if I was okay, concerned that I haven't added anything at all since March. Thank you so much, Von!

Unfortunately, I have pretty much lost interest in continuing with notebooking pages. We don't actually use them much in our own homeschool (I was doing them because designing them is fun!) so I don't have a personal incentive in continuing. This past year has been a difficult one for our family - shortly after I thought I'd be able to get back into the swing of things this past Spring (after dealing with my MIL's illness and death in the fall), there was another death in the family, a family crisis that was very emotionally draining, and then my own health started giving me a few problems. (Nothing serious, just annoying, really.) Overall I have just not had the energy or motivation to make more notebooking pages.

The blog still gets a fair number of visitors, and I feel there is enough here to interest people, so I will keep the blog open for the foreseeable future. And who knows, maybe someday I will return to page design for the homeschool community!

In the meantime, I have started a new blog, just a personal one that's bits and pieces of things I think are interesting or cool, and I'd love to have you visit:

Things Melanie Likes

Thanks again for your concern, and I hope to see you all around the web!


Unknown said...

Glad that you're okay. I had wondered too. :-)
Thanks for leaving the site up. You've got some nice pages here.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for what you have done and put on this site. God bless you, Von